Heather Schissel

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Encouragement in Chapter 4 of "Stay the Path"

"The world is in need of many things- peace, hope, discernment, answers- but what this complex and wonderful world needs most is a global church full of genuine Christ followers who have an ear to His Spirit...an ear that can bring the goodness and kindness of God into the backyard of every neighborhood, village, city and nation, ears that can hear the "prophetic heart of God" for people- again, not in a weird and strange way, but in a gracious way that arrests the human soul, enabling people to discover that there truly is a God in Heaven who believes in them." -Bobbie Houston, Stay the Path




Such a timely reminder for us all, isn't it?

The truth is, we don't have to search for troubling information. It's introduced to us by clicking on the news, opening up our social media and in our own personal lives. There are global tragedies, national disasters, controversy, and personal battles we all face. But what this book passage petitions us all is to readjust our focus. Are WE as the Church keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and attuning our ears to His Spirit? Sure we have to engage and (sometimes) respond to the afflictions of this world...but for me, I choose to use my voice to not spew my opinions more than I attempt to be a voice of love and truth to help point people back to The Way. And yes, it's hard. Really hard. 

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. - Colossians 3:2

But may I just suggest to those of you who know Jesus and journey through His Word...we're in a battle; this is war. Sinners sin. And we know the end...there is victory found in Jesus. Let's engage above all else with the Great Commission

The Good News is we have the answer to death, destruction, depression, and decay...JESUS! He is the Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6). We have the Holy Spirit, our Guide, Comforter, and Advocate. We have the Holy Word of God. And we have each other, the Church, the community of believers. 

Let's not be wavering in faith, flailing around like a fart in the wind, tossed like waves in a raging sea....we can stand and #LIVEUNSHAKEABLE! 

How to ensure we're keeping our focus:

  1. Stay in community (Church)

  2. Invest in intentional time in the study of God's word

  3. Prayer is POWERFUL!

Preorder Christine Caine's new 365-day devotional, Unshakable releasing October 24, 2017! 




Let's Connect! 

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