Heather Schissel

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Using Critical Thinking vs. Having a Critical Spirit

Remember when we were in elementary school and we had tests with word problems? I don’t know about you, I know some people hated those pesky word problems…but I loved them! The purpose of those word problems was to teach us to think critically.

When faced with a real-world scenario, we had to take the time to explore what we learned and apply that knowledge to find the right solution.

Such is life, right? We’re tested each day with all kinds of problems in our personal world and the world around us. Though God gave us the ability to feel a spectrum of emotions, we are not to be dominated by them. Feelings aren’t always facts. We have to be willing to investigate what’s happening in our heart and challenge our thoughts so that we are responding with wisdom, love, patience, grace, mercy and authority. We’re called to lead, not be passive.

Critical Thinking =

Exploring a problem by reflecting on what we’ve learned, observed and experienced. It’s taking time investigating solutions not out of reactionary feelings but by informative facts, data, analytics and statistics. It’s applying wisdom.

A Critical Spirit

A critical spirit, on the other hand, is usually controlled by feelings and emotions; fueled by accusations and assumptions. Critical spirits seek to find a problem to every solution whereas a Kingdom-focused ambassador of Heaven, empowered with the mind of Christ seeks to find solution to every problem. Let’s learn to think critically when presented with the hot topics of our world problems and pray, search the Word of God, seek wise counsel, ask quality questions and base our stance from informed facts rather than silly assumptions and half truths.

The atmosphere is super-charged with feelings, opinions, offense, criticism, slander, and gossip. It’s causing disease and relational dysfunction as we find ourselves overwhelmed with information coming from every angle. It’s causing division, discord, and discontentment. The political climate is causing polarity with binary stances that are diametrically opposed.

For many of us, we’ve become numb, apathetic, silent and seeking solace in solitude as we mindlessly scroll through social media liking pictures of cats, laughing babies and videos of delicious recipes…doing nearly everything we can to maintain inner peace and just “go along to get along.”

I want to encourage you (provoke courage in you) to stay engaged. Don’t succumb to the pressure to stay silent. Pray, study the Word of God, seek wise counsel, commit to learning and staying informed, ask quality questions, and trust that the Lord will lead you in wisdom.

You’re given the mind of Christ. And it’s full of peace, resolve and divine solutions. If you are a Christian and genuinely want to see a revival of love and relational restoration break out, then you’ve got to stay engaged. Don’t check out, Dear Friend.

Abide in Christ as John 15 instructs. Commune with Him. Fix your eyes on Jesus and incline your hear to Heaven. Embrace your God-given authority to lead and be a world-changer for the Cause of Christ in every sphere of cultural influence.

For more on this, check out my IG Live!

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