Heather Schissel

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Take Jesus to Work With You

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Instagram Live Video 11.13.17 @heatherferroni

On Saturday November 11, 2017 I received a call from a former co-worker with shocking news. Our dear friend, Amy had a tragic accident and passed away. 

I worked with Amy for a short time as her Transaction Coordinator in Real Estate. We both had since left the team we were on but the bond that we shared went beyond business. 

Amy was truly a beautifully unique individual. A powerhouse. Literally. She was loud, crazy fun, full of energy and truly free from the confines of political correctness. She was authentically, unapologetically herself with every person and in every situation. I must admit, when I first met her...I didn't know how to take her. I thought she was obnoxiously rude. I remember turning to another coworker, Jenny for some help on how to approach her. Jenny just sweetly laughed and affirmed that it's not uncommon for Amy to have a strong and lasting first impression....but she encouraged me to not be offended because she knew Amy and Amy is one of the kindest people on the planet. I'm glad I let that first encounter go and made it a mission to pursue an understanding of Amy. She blessed my life tremendously. She was fierce and fearless and she helped me overcome moments of fear myself. She stood with me in times of doubt and discouragement and spoke bold truth to me kinda like a football coach would...and I would leave the conversation feeling empowered. 

Although most people think of Amy as bulletproof, I was privileged to see a different side of Amy. Her soft and vulnerable side. Once she called regarding a work matter and the conversation quickly turned into a personal one. While I would never disclose the details of our private conversation, I'm honored that she opened up to me. I remember her crying and saying, "I don't know why I'm telling you all this...I don't open up to hardly anyone. Ever!" 

In one conversation she shared her concern for business and finances. As with everyone in Real Estate, it's an emotional rollercoaster working so hard to build relationships with clients, working long, crazy hours, and not really having the option to just step away any time you want. It's a very involved, very multi-layed business with no financial guarantee. Markets shift, deals fall through, team members leave, there are times of abundance and times of scarcity. It's cyclical. 

As a person of faith, my first response to heaviness, heartache and hardships is PRAYER. 

In that conversation, I asked Amy if she'd be comfortable if I prayed. She agreed. On the phone, in my living room I started boldly declaring God's favor and provision over her life. I petitioned Heaven for a rapid response to our requests and that our Father would miraculously break in and just show her how He delights in her and that she can fully depend on Him to meet all her needs....AS I was praying she GASPED:

Heather, you're never going to believe this! I just got a text notification right now that I received a FULL PRICE offer on one of my listings. Oh my God! I can't believe it! I can't believe it. This home is overpriced and has been on the market for a long time. I was worried I was going to lose this listing. I can't believe it." 

I jumped up from my chair and started shouting praises to God, thanking Him for coming through so quickly. Excited that I got to be a part of that moment, a glimpse of time where Heaven drew near to earth and showed Himself faithful to Amy. 

God blew ME away that day. As a witness to His provision for her, it solidified my faith and now I get to share it as a testimony of His grace. That moment also further branded me as a minister. By allowing my faith to be known, I was able to be a voice of truth and love. I knew then that although my job title was "Transaction Coordinator", I've been marked by God (as all Jesus lovers are) as a representative; an ambassador of Christ. 

Friends, let this story encourage and empower you to TAKE JESUS TO WORK WITH YOU every single day. There is a wondering, wandering, hurting and searching world out there that desperately NEEDS to hear and see the Good News displayed for them. You've been entrusted with a sphere of influence in your life. Anyone that you're in contact with is in your sphere. Your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, student peers, people you do business with, people that do business with you, people in passing...if you share air with people, they're in your sphere. 

Don't leave it up to your pastors on the platform to declare the message of Jesus. You're commissioned by JESUS to share your heart with everyone you can. And the truth is, there are more people on the OUTSIDE of the church than there are inside. Therefore, you are being SENT to reach them where they are. Open yourself up to be used by God. Don't keep it quiet. Let people know your story, how God has and is moving in your life. Let Him work through YOU!

Amy's Obituary: http://www.silvercreekmortuary.net/obituary/amy-camacho-tsutsumi

Let's Connect! 

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