Heartsong for My Husband

{A poetic Heartsong for my Husband in my personal journal on 11/16/10}

Purification hurts-tested against the elements. Imposition of comfort consumes. Uncomfortable and tested, one will endure-and the result: a rare, unique, intricately designed piece of art. Just endure. Endure the pain and gain. Gain all you can and claim it.

It is but a series of unknown days that lie before us. Days I optimistically and joyfully embrace with the hope that we draw near and not apart. What will the days bring? ...And the nights, yes. Only to feel your presence dancing within me, no hesitation lingers amongst the song we move to. Prove me right, my dear. Come alongside me. Hold my hand and be patient as we walk. Together. Please. Let's apply the desires, carefully. Purposefully. Aware. Together, alas!

For my single friends, it's not wrong for your soul to cry out for your future spouse. Don't let anyone convince you that the longing in your spirit is unhealthy. God knows the desire of your heart because He created humanity for community and has a very special and beautiful design for marriage. I will, however, remind you that we must be careful not to fall into idolatry. This can happen when we place the desire for anyone or anything ABOVE our desire for God, Himself. But if you're seeking God with your whole mind, heart, soul and strength AND you're believing Him for His promises and being patient in the waiting, then you, my dear friend are completely justified in your desire. 

Pray for your spouse. They're real, living, breathing, human beings on this planet right at this very moment. You don't know who they are, where they are, what they're doing, what their struggling with, what they're working through, what they're learning...but there's a space in their heart that is reserved specifically for YOU. God is at work. Just keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, find contentment in His love for you and focus on being the wife or husband your spouse will honor. Live your life in such a way that honors God and by doing so, you will show honor to the person He has in store for your future. 


Let's Connect! 

Do you pray for your future spouse?

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