Alignment & Acceleration

Upon reflection of 2017, a major theme has been highlighted to me: "ALIGNMENT"


Maybe this means the Lord has aligned you with "your tribe", a significant other or brought you into a church you now consider "home." Perhaps you've made some personal adjustments in your life which have brought you into better alignment with God's purpose and plan for your life.

Maybe you've experienced some amazing "God appointments" or kairos moments where God revealed Himself in obvious ways. 


It's common and healthy to spend some time reflecting on our accomplishments the past year and evaluate what goals we wish to achieve in the coming year. I'm a big goal setter and as a coach, it's been my practice to have an ongoing plan of action to actually reverse engineer the steps it takes to achieve those goals. I utilize a formula I learned through my company, Keller Williams called a 4-1-1. It's a system that allows you to set annual goals and them break them down to action steps for monthly markers and weekly strategies. 

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. -Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)


I can't help but believe that although the Lord likes that we set goals and plans, He's more interested in us capturing His vision.

Then the Lord answered me and said, “Write the vision And engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets So that the one who reads it will run. -Habakkuk 2:2 (AMP)

Since it's 2018 and we no longer have clay tablets to etch, we have the equivalent: Paper! So keep your pen and notebook at your fingertips to record what you sense the Lord is showing you.

Reminder: God is looking more for your AVAILABILITY than your ABILITY. He doesn't call the "qualified," He qualifies the called!

he said, "Listen to my words: "When there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams.
-Numbers 12:6 (NIV)


How COOL! God loves to reveal Himself and what He's up to in dreams! I've done some biblical research on dreams and found that each time they are referenced in the bible, they were a prophetic indication of future events. Sometimes they were symbolic, often times an encouragement and sometimes a warning. 

In the blog, "Are Dreams from God" I share a bit more on this. Check it out!

Prophetic Gifting

  • Have you been dreaming a lot more lately and you wake up with

  • Has God been downloading BIG vision in you?

These are indications that you have a prophetic gifting on your life! How exciting! I speak to people often who confess they have some confusion about the spiritual gifts. I get it. I admit I really struggled with understanding and embracing the gift of prophecy myself. After all, it's hard to embrace something you don't understand, right? In all honesty, I was actually kind of critical. Until I turned my criticism to curiosity and diligently went on a quest to learn about the prophetic, now I understand that this was a gift I'd always had I just didn't know it, understand it or know how to use it. 

If you are seeking to learn more about the gift of prophecy, one of the BEST resources I can recommend is Havilah Cunnington's eCourse, "Prophetic Personalities"  or take the FREE quiz, "Discover Your Prophetic Personality Type"

You can also check out:

Christmas Season for the Empaths, Intercessors and Prophetically Gifted


2018 = The year of ACCELERATION!

Friend, buckle up because I believe with my entire being that 2018 is the year of ACCELERATION. The dreams and visions God has put on your heart....even ones from long ago will begin to manifest! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, your ears attune to His Word, your hands open to receive, your feet ready to MOVE and your heart postured in a permanent position of "Yes and Amen!"

Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.
-Proverbs 16:3 (ESV)

Watch the Facebook Live video about Visions | Dreams | Embracing Prophetic Gifts


By the way, have we connected on my new Facebook page yet? If not, here's your invitation. That's where you can keep up to speed on all that's happening in my world and get encouraged through live vidoes like these as we walk this journey of life out together!


What are some dreams and visions you've been given for the coming year? Please share in the comments below!