Heather Schissel

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#DailyDownload - Fri May 18, 2018

Predestination Podcast on the way to Coffee

On the drive to my coffee chat this morning, I was savoring Beth Moore's Living Proof Ministries Podcast about The Mysterious Doctrine of Predestination.  AH! It was incredible. In my opinion, Beth Moore is truly one of the most anointed Bible teachers of our generation. She has written over 7 books and 19 Bible Studies {at least that's what I counted on good 'ol Wikipedia}. This is one of those highly controversial "gray area" topics of Christian Theology and Beth Moore breaks it down in such a beautiful, easy to understand way. I highly encourage you to have a listen! 


Quality Conversation & Coffee

I had the pleasure of meeting with a new friend, Laura who I've connected with on Instagram. We had a lovely time sharing quality conversation over a delicious cup of coffee at Lola and lunch at Pita Jungle in Downtown Phoenix. Laura is the director of Cornerstone Young Professionals and has such a servants heart to minister to a group of 20-30 year olds in the Scottsdale and Chandler area. They host all kinds of fun events to connect, serve the community and support one another in their professional and faith journeys. You can learn more and connect on Facebook or Instagram

A21 Walk for Freedom 

I am SO honored to get to play a part in the leadership and planning of this year's A21 Walk for Freedom here in Phoenix that's coming up on October 20, 2018! I had an awesome Zoom meeting with A21 and my co-leader and got a chance to say "Hi" and strategize social media with my sweet friend, Bianca that works with Christine Caine's ministries! I can't wait to begin assembling the team and see hundreds of people joining together to create awareness and take action in the fight against human trafficking. 

You can learn more by visiting A21.org or get a condensed version on my A21 page which includes information about the walk, videos from A21 and clickable links to help you easily educate yourself on this subject and what A21 is doing all over the globe to rescue & restore victims of human trafficking and bringing justice to the traffickers. Amazing! 

And while you're at it, don't forget to follow @WalkforFreedomPhoenix on Instagram

Study on Pneumatology & book titles that made me giggle

After today's meetings, I wandered over to LifeWay Christian Stores and browsed around. I stumbled upon a textbook called "Introducing Christian Doctrine" and thumbed through and came upon a pretty cool little portion on pneumatology (the study of Holy Spirit). Check it out in the pic below! 

I also couldn't help but giggle as I browsed through titles that seem to have such simple solutions. 

Check out the Instagram Live where I share a word of inspiration! 



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  • What historical Christians are you most inspired by?
  • What have you learned about predestination?
  • Does the study of Holy Spirit strike your interest?
  • What books are you reading right now?