Girls With Swords

Exactly one year ago today, I lead a Girls With Swords book study at my local church. Being a big fan of Lisa Bevere's teaching and studies, I was beyond excited! But what happened in that room from the very first day was nothing I could have ever anticipated.

A group of about 15+ women from all ages and stages gathered in an upper room of our historic cathedral church in Downtown Phoenix and what happened was beyond words. I struggle to find them even now. It was beautifully powerful. Breakthroughs happened. Insecurities were broken, deep friendships were made, and lives were changed forever.

  • I witnessed women who had previously been afraid to pray aloud pray with boldness and audacity.
  • I saw Warrior Women arise and embrace their strength in Christ in fresh ways.
  • I witnessed deep seeded wounds of the heart healed.
  • I saw walls fall.
  • I witnessed true transformation.
  • I saw women who struggled with consistent Bible study gain an insatiable hunger to dive in with open hearts.


It was an incredible study experience. One I'd recommend for everyone!

Girls with Swords changed my perception of the church and my Sisters in Christ.

During that study, I realized that “WE” are the church, and the importance of loving, supporting and praying for one another is to grow in our walk. The Lords heart and intentions in that season changed me forever.
— Stephanie Ochoa
I went into this experience not really knowing much about what would happen or what I would be doing and even less about the book. You and Kelly opened up the opportunity and I decided to run with it...and man I was glad I did. The first day was powerful, something that I had never experienced. God was definitely at work in that room. He brought several ladies ranging from different ages and stages in life and united them on many levels. The connections that were made were incredible and instant. I loved that moment..being able to sit back and watch God’s love/plan in full gear. Throughout the book/group I found myself being fed in a different way...a way that I had yet to experience. God opened my eyes to many different life experiences and opportunities.
— Chandra Gonzalez

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