Posts tagged Blog Posts 1-30
Feeling Overwhelmed?

Do you find yourself sometimes burdened and overwhelmed by the fears, worries, craziness, and chaos of life? Oh gosh, me too. I find that because I live such a full and rewarding life with ministry, business, blogging, planning and attending events, building relationships, frequent meetings and phone calls, and working on upcoming projects, if I'm not careful I can easily get spun out and overwhelmed. Sound like you? 

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#FridayFaves | Old Testament Story

n today's edition of #FridayFaves, I share one of my favorite OT stories.


I can't tell you how many times people have been super honest with me about their challenges with consistent bible reading. Maybe you experience the same challenges: 

  1. It can be difficult to understand (lots of hard to pronounce words, lineage and history)

  2. It can be difficult to relate to our modern day lives.

Hey, I totally get it. Listen, I felt that way too. Don't feel discouraged if bible reading isn't fully your jam (yet). It's not like any of us popped out of the womb knowing how to thumb through the scriptures and with full understanding of it's contents. Even doctorate-level theologians had to start the same way we all do. And let me just say, if you struggle with getting excited about diving into the OT because you think it's boring...stick with me, I'll help break it open in a way that  you'll develop an insatiable hunger ignited by the Holy Spirit and you will likely become a #NerdoftheWord too! :) 

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Are Dreams from God?

Have you ever wondered if your dreams are from God? 

As I draw in closer to God and study His Word and understand His majesty and sovereignty, I am a firm believer that dreams and visions are in fact a powerful communication method between God and us. Sometimes dreams are literal, sometimes they are symbolic and we know this when we study the scriptures.

Every time dreams are mentioned in scripture, they’re always a message from God. Not one time are we given an example of a dream that is NOT from God. So then, why do we question our dreams or feel like they’re completely unrelated to God communicating with us?

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When You Don't "FEEL" Like Working

We've all been there...that moment when you just don't "FEEL" like working...especially on a Saturday...or a Monday...

Hey, look...I get it...some days it's hard to be excited about #adulting...but I want to challenge you with some thought-provoking, mindset-shifting things to consider about your job, your workplace and your assignment: 

Work is a form of worship

Honor your assignment

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