Kingdom Leadership in Spiritual Warfare
Amid all the coo coo crazy we find ourselves in 2020, you probably already know it goes beyond cultural hot topics, polarizing politics, racial division, gender equality, generational debates, and C-vid opinions. The root of all this chaos goes beyond our human comprehension. Though our spirit knows…this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE.
Dearest Friends, these times call for a bold kind of Kingdom Leadership. The days of casual, comfortable, complacent, compromising “churchianity” are over. The addiction to “cool” must be broken. Purpose must take precedence over popularity.
At the beginning of this year, many of us were praying for #Awaken2020 #2020Vision and #Revival…the shaking we’ve experienced is God’s way of awakening us like we asked for. The sleeping Church must arise and shine the light of God’s glory into a chaotic, confused, lost and sin-soaked world. It’s time to get out of the seats and into the streets! The days of consumer Christianity are ending. It’s time to align with anointed Kingdom leaders, apply Biblical instructions and become activated in our Great Commissioning. What a time to be alive!
characteristics of spiritual wartime leaders:
Care more about your safety than your comfort
Provide prophetic intel from Heaven to exhort The Church to arise, align and take action
Are relentless in prayer
Armed with the sharp truth of God’s Word
Call the saints up to stand for righteousness
Teach you the tactics of the enemy so that you know how to combat lies and deception
Reminds you to put on the full Armor of God (Ephesians 6)
Is unafraid, unrelenting, unapologetic to demonic ideologies that try to infiltrate The Church
Will shake you to wake you up so that you don’t become a casualty of war.
The Accuser is on the prowl, darkness is adamantly trying to close in, tactics of intimidation through the spirit of fear and pervasive worldly ideologies are attempting to supersede Biblical truth. There are compromising Christian leaders who lead comfortable, casual and complacent churches so as not offend anyone (which could negatively impact their giving). Take watch. Be alert. And pray!
Take caution not to accuse someone being “unloving” because they’re speaking with boldness and authority
Trust that God is on the throne and in control and is sifting the wheat from the tares (Matthew 13: 24-30)
Get yourself around mature and solid saints that will encourage, equip and empower you for the days we’re in.
Stay out of the judgment seat when you witness those in leadership positions that are conceding, conforming and compromising. Instead, pray for them.
Be bold and courageous (Joshua 1:9) and take a stand. Submit your fear of man to the feet of Jesus.
Abide in Christ. Let Him lead. (John 15:4-5)
Remember, we must all walk in accordance with our calling. We are one body and don’t all serve the same function. (Romans 12:4) The way of the Kingdom of God is a Culture of Honor. Let’s show honor to those that are rising up as spiritual warfare leaders while also understanding that there are others who are called to lead effectively in other ways. (That’ll be a post for another day so be sure to subscribe to the newsletter to receive that post!)
Spiritual Warfare Leaders to follow:
Here are some of my favorite powerful, anointed spiritual warfare leaders that are worth following on Instagram: