Hurting Hearts in a Bar
I love Country Dancing! It just makes my soul smile!
Awhile back my friend Candace and I went dancing. What I love about Country Dancing is I never feel threatened or uncomfortable that some guy is going to try to take me home. It's innocent fun and I have such a blast swinging around the dance floor.
As the night progressed, heaviness settled in my heart. The Lord opened my eyes to see the reality of my surroundings. I realized the place was full of hurting people desperately seeking to fill a void.
Disillusionment radiated to the beat of the music.
Drinks were poured down throats in a desperate attempt to forget the pain.
Escapism. Pure avoidance of the harsh realities of life. Liquid courage. Self-medication.
Eyes on the prowl for connection to mend shattered hearts and restore confidence that has been robbed.
Lustful desires luring like lions stalking their kill, on the hunt for someone to satisfy the desire for passion; uncommitted.
I heard tragic stories of broken hearts, cheating spouses, divorce, and custody battles.
When I'm out and about I often make great connections with strangers and it's not uncommon for people to open up to me about personal details of their lives. I honor these Divine encounters because I know that as ambassadors of Christ, we are always on assignment. He will orchestrate an appointment to reach the lost and hurting and He wants to use us to be a messenger for His glory.
Although, I must confess, as a Faith Coach, I suffer with an internal battle because the bar isn't the most conducive environment for one-on-one transformational work. Most of the time, I take a step away to pray and ask God what He wants me to do. Although I may not consider it the most opportune time, I never want to limit God. (I mean look at Jesus...He went on mission to find the hurting and bring them healing, He didn't just post up in the temple waiting for people to come to Him!) I don’t want to forfeit the opportunity to share the message of love and grace that radically changes lives, heals hearts, and gives hope for a glorious future.
But I also know, based on my own experience, most people are not receptive to a real solution but they’re there to put a bandaid on a bullet wound and mask their soul cry in the echoing laughter that’s harmonious with the other hurting souls around them.
“Misery loves company and the bar is the perfect place for a pitty party.”
I don’t say these things because I'm on some holy high horse...I say these things because that was ME once!
I used alcohol to help me forget about the pain. My drunken laughter covered up the cries. Getting attention from men boosted my fractured confidence of a broken heart. It was addicting to feel wanted. Even though they didn’t really want ME...they wanted a taste of passion and excitement to satisfy their fleshly desire for a moment.
There were two specific people God highlighted for me to minister to that night. Both proved to be closed off from hearing the message God wanted to share through me.
Both told me know they knew (about) Jesus. One proclaimed his Catholic “faith.” The other told me she attends the popular megachurch every Sunday. Clearly neither of them really embraced a vibrant relationship with our Lord, the Lover of our soul.
Again, that was ME!
I always knew (about) Jesus.
But He has saved me from the pit of destruction I put myself in.
He answered my prayers and delivered me from destruction after a long, loooooong time of fighting Him because I wanted MY will over His...I thought I knew better than God! {How silly I was!}
And now that I have surrendered my heart to Him in reverence and gratitude for His grace, my heart is healed. My eyes are open. I see beyond the natural and feel a deep grief in my spirit...the heart of an intercessor is an interesting gift. (More on this to come)
“Open eyes and a healed heart now make it possible to see realities we were once blind to.”
I just wanted to hop on stage that night and grab the mic and start declaring His promises over people. I wanted to tell them that sex and alcohol will never fill the void or heal their hearts. I want every person to experience the LOVE, GRACE, JOY, PEACE, HEALING, AND HOPE that Jesus offers. I so badly wished I could facilitate a true “come to Jesus” revival right there in the bar!
Are you willing to surrender your broken heart to God and begin a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ? If you’d like to learn more about the transforming power of Christ, please comment below or send me a message!
Share your thoughts in the comments below!